Individual Natal Chart Reading
Your Natal Chart is a symbolic map of the location and geometry of the planets in the heavens at the time of your birth. It represents the ‘raw material’ or the potential available to you throughout your lifetime. In this natal chart reading we work together to explore this map.
Together we can invoke your chart to tell its story in a way that gives you insight to see the possibilities and the enthusiasm to live your potential. We can distil the meaning from the chapters you have already lived and look ahead to glimpse your emerging story.
Your Natal Chart is like a key guide for your lifetime. It does not ‘lock you in’ to a fate. We all have free will to choose how to harness and express the energies of the chart, which roads to take. Or to change direction entirely, to change the story. We make choices every day. Astrology gives us the perspective to make better choices and to find meaning and purpose in even the most challenging situations.
In your Natal Chart consultation we will discuss the ‘territory’ that you are exploring in your lifetime. We can identify core drives, character traits, longings and soul urges, talents, strengths and challenges in your life. We can focus on topics of your choice such as relationships, money, siblings, home, family, upbringing, hobbies, hidden talents, career, health, travel, friends, unresolved issues, future goals and even your life purpose. Or you might just want a general reading to get to know yourself better.
Each person’s life is an unfolding story or journey. A Natal Chart consultation reconnects you back to yourself, can trigger a new sense of direction, re-awaken lost or neglected talents or dreams, give you perspective in difficult circumstances or assist at those times when you find yourself at a crossroads”. Via your questions I will address ongoing or current issues or concerns and hopefully assist you to live out more of your potential.
LIVE CONSULTATION via Zoho (like Zoom/Skype) or in person 75-90 mins $180. We can record the reading for you to download later as an MP3 file. You will also receive a copy of your natal birth chart