Astrology of the Moon for Newborn or Child
I focus on the Moon in these readings for newborns because it is the Moon that is so vital in the early childhood period. The urge to feel safe and secure and to connect with the mother and family-physically and emotionally- is the primary urge in the young infant and child. In our natal astrology chart, our attachment needs and patterns are described by the Moon, especially her sign, house placement and aspects or links to the other planets or drives.
The Moon is important to all of us throughout our lives but in the early ‘nesting’ period it is of particular significance. In the same way that when a plant is very tiny it takes a lot of care to get it growing strongly. Once it gets a bit bigger it is more able to attend to its own needs. So with newborns and children. If caregivers have a sense of the emotional nature and needs of the newborn then they are in a better position to respond to the child in a way that creates better long term outcomes for both parents and the child.
If we think of the Sun in our charts as the flower that we each are, then the Moon tells us about the particular needs of the plant and how to maximise the conditions for its growth and flowering.
In this reading I also offer some ‘tips’ or ‘tools’ for responding to the particular nature/needs of your baby/child. It is wonderful for family members to have an awareness of the lunar aspect of your baby/child’. It means you are much better able to understand the particular gifts, emotional nature and needs of your young one.
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